Monday, January 1, 2007

The First Post

My first review and it's an episode of "Monk." They're showing an all-day marathon today on the USA network. For anyone who doesn't know what the show is all about, here it goes: Adrian Monk was a top detective in his San Francisco precinct. Then his reporter wife Trudy dies in a car bomb explosion possibly meant for Mr. Monk. Naturally, Monk is devastated, but he completely shuts down and becomes an obsessive-compulsive neurotic. Everything must be in order and followed to a T. Anyway, his colleagues routinely ask for his assistance in solving murder cases. Now that I have gotten that out of the way, on with the show...

Monk and his assistant, Sharona are watching a local play starring Sharona's sister, Gail. During the performance, the male lead is supposed to be stabbed with a rubber knife. Somehow, a real one is plunged into him instead. Gail is charged with the crime. Sharona's mother flies down to help out and Sharona tells Monk right before Mom arrives that she told her that she (Sharona) is Monk's partner, not his assistant. Highlights include Monk tries speed dating to get information about a suspect and Monk gets hired as the male lead for the play which he is surprisingly good at. All in all, pretty good Monk episode.


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