Tuesday, January 16, 2007


STRANGERS WITH CONDI(OR JON TAKES ONE FOR THE TEAM!): Apparently, Senator Barbara Boxer (D)-CA insinuated, okay flat out told Condi Rice that she would not understand about the people's plight in Iraq because she is not married nor has any children. Jon decides the only way to stop the war is to seduce Rice. Watching Jon try-horribly-to come onto Rice on Camera 3 was disturbing yet hilarious.

MLK DAY WITH LARRY WILMORE: African-American Correspondent Wilmore wants to change Martin Luther King Day to MLK Day, as he explains, "they did it to KFC." I didn't pay much attention to this segment. That's the trouble with ADD, you're mind goes in different directions.

SHALOM BABY!: Tonight's guest was the host of the History Channel's Digging for the Truth Josh Bernstein. After learning who Bernstein was, I immediately decided to watch his show religiously in the hopes of seeing him with his shirt off. He travels to Egypt, A LOT. I'll see those pecks in no time! The first thing Jon mentions when the screams and fainting of women have died down is "Are you a Jew?" Apparently, Jews have bad sinus infections.

JON/STEPHEN: Stephen is suing his pool man unless he puts in a hot tub for free.

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