Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Dirt: All about hypocrisy

All right, if you haven't noticed, FX has a new daring drama premiering tonight called Dirt. It's about the tabloid industry and how far they will go to get a shot of celebrities in the act. Well, I gotta admit, this shows has balls. Come on, a death, car crash, and a schizophrenic paparazzo and that's just in the pilot.

Anyhoo, like I said in the title, it's all about hypocrisy. A guy wants to be a good actor when all he really wants to be is in the papers and have tons of publicity. A woman who has just found out she's pregnant has a few hits of E and blow. A married man gets it on with a starlet he just met. Only in Hollywood.

Does Dirt show a tiny bit too much? Definitely.

Will the show make it through the season? Maybe.

Will I watch all the madness next week? Hell, yes!

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