Friday, September 28, 2007


Poor Earl, last season he took the rap for ex-wife Joy, who was on her third strike. He was sentenced to two years in prison. Earl wants to keep a low profile, but finds it difficult. Some of the guys he wronged are in the slammer, too. Particularly, Glenn who has violated parole many times. Everyone is sick of him and his antics. Earl remembered when he got Glenn to break into someone's house and Glenn was punished for it. Glenn then turned to a life of crime. Time for The List to come out and play!

Earl discovers Glenn doesn't want to get out of prison because of the way everyone looks at him when he becomes a civilian. Glenn gets upset and breaks the law. Plus he blames Earl Hickey for his downfall. After a few scuffles (and stabbing), Glenn admits to Earl he wants to get his final two badges for his Honor Sash-Archeology and Natural Sciences. The duo make a few deals with other inmates and Glenn gets his badges. Now on the outside (with scout uniform), people aren't scared of Glenn anymore (though they may think he was a little weird with the uniform).

Meanwhile, to pay back Earl for his sacrifice, Joy takes care of Randy. Just watch those segments-hilarious!

P.S. The county of Camden created their own Boy Scout troop after being kicked out of the national one. Piece it together.

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