Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Wow, I was wrong. Stephen didn't have a relapse, but he did have the Atone Phone (1-800-667-7539 or 1-800-OOPS-JEW). He called on the Jewish, no all Emmy voters who did not vote for him so we can find out where they live. Then all of a sudden, the not-dead Barry Manilow visited from beyond the grave to help Stephen remember that the Emmy is in our hearts. Then Jon Stewart called Manilow to make a play date with their Emmys. MANNNNILLLOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!

THE WORD IS...LET MY PEOPLE GO: A man named Thomas Hiltachk is attempting to get back at the "Man" by changing the way Cali's 55 electoral votes are dispersed. Uhh, dude, you won't be able to pull it off.

DIFFERENCE MAKERS: I forgot, where is the all-American statue of Nitro Girl located? God bless America!

SUSAN SARANDON: Sarandon managed to get Stephen to crack up for a second.
Best Line
Stephen: "You know Sean Penn?"
Susan: "Not in a biblical sense."

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