Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Tonight, South Park begins their second half of the 11th season. Before the premiere, let's recap on the first half of the season.

With Apologies to Jesse Jackson- "Apologize!" Stan's dad appears on Wheel of Fortune and manages to anger the whole country. Cartman summed it up best: "It's on! RACE WAR!" It's exactly what Cartman wanted.

Cartman Sucks- Butters is sent to a de-gay camp. Funniest line: "You're my account-a-bill-a-buddy!"

Lice Capades-Odd episode focused on Craig who has lice. Nice tribute to The Thing. The ending made up for the whole episode.

The Snuke- a 24 parody. Cartman as Jack Bauer and Kyle as Chloe O'Brian. The plot is too crazy to explain. Watch the episode.

Fantastic Easter Special- my favorite. As a Catholic, I always wondered how Easter went from the day Jesus rose from the dead to bunnies and candy. Now I know.

D-Yikes- "Scissor me timbers!" You don't want to know what that means. TRUST ME. Mrs. Garrison comes out as a lesbian.

Night of the Living Homeless-"Change!" "Change!" Homeless people invade South Park. An entire tribute to George Romero.

Sneak peek: On the season premiere, Cartman has...Tourette's!

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