Tuesday, March 6, 2007


SHAME ON YOU: Jon was pissed last night and rightfully so. The Walter Reed Military Hospital is in deplorable conditions, especially section 18. So the Bushees (what I will call Bush administration from now on) fired the Army Surgeon General and hired a new one named Reilly, I think. Then the Bushees fired him for being a douchebag. In the Moment of Zen clip, Reilly tells the news crew that the place is not so bad, even though viewers can see a hole in the ceiling!! Our troops who bravely went into a war becoming more like Vietnam each passing minute. No we went waaayy past the 'Nam mark a long time ago. Then the wounded come home to America for treatment and this is what they get! Our boys should be living in five-star hotel quality, complete with massages and Mai-tais.

The guest was Bob Woodruff, the ABC News anchor who was nearly killed in Iraq. He has made a remarkable recovery and has somehow become even better-looking than he was before the accident.

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