Saturday, October 6, 2007


The Unsuspected-a neat, less-known film. Claude Rains (Louie from Casablanca) is a radio host who commits murder. His naive (okay, dumb) niece doesn't believe he could do such a thing, but he does.

Tokyo Story-a couple go to visit their grown children. The ungrateful bastards move them from one place to the other. I wanted to give my mom a hug after watching this one.

The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!-a Russian submarine becomes stranded in Nantucket. Hilarity ensues. Johnathon Winters plays the deputy sheriff. You know it's a comedy.

The Happy Years-a cute turn-of-the century tale about a reckless boy. Activities include painting the neighbor's horse green.

Anna Karenina-Tolstoy's masterpiece starring Garbo.

The Pumpkin Eater-Anne Bancroft gets pregnant. A lot. Lady has some issues.

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