Monday, February 12, 2007


What a weekend America has had! Fortunately TDS has all the coverage you need.

DEATH OF A PERSON OR MOVE OVER DIAPERED ASTRONAUT PSYCHO!: The big news was according to the news networks was Anna Nicole Smith died. The Daily Show mocked the coverage of her death, not Smith herself. At CNN, Wolf Blitzer will probably find something in his coffee after he blatantly talked about reaction to Smith's death after Lou Dobbs promised there would be no more coverage of her demise for the next hour. It was a huge deal at TDS as well with John Oliver in the adjacent grave to Smith's plus Jason Jones accusing Geraldo of murder, it was a good time

OBAMAMANIA!-THE RACE BEGINS: Barack Obama did cocaine?! I did not know that! Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore explained that African-Americans like everything associated with Africa except African people. He also gave advice to Obama to use his half-white/half blackness to good use. Ex: Raise money for campaign-whiteness; if elected, inherit massive debt-blacks like that.

Tonight's guest was author and Supreme Court historian Jeffrey Rosen. He gave the audience some insight on the history of our highest judiciary system. First justice John Jay Marshall and Thomas Jefferson did not get along and current judge Antoine Scalia is kind of a dick. He lets people burn flags for cripes sake!

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