Wednesday, January 17, 2007


BEEP! BEEP!I didn't really pay attention to the first segment of the show, but I did see a Wile E. Coyote analogy to the war including with my favorite part, John Oliver holding a wooden sign that said YIKES! Ah, brings back memories...

KLINGONS IN THE WHITE HOUSE: Which word doesn't belong here? Representative David Wu gave a speech where he compared the war to the Klingon-Vulcan rivalry in the Star Trek series. To further explain what the hell the whole Trekkie war, Jon called expert Leonard Nimoy live via telephone. While Nimoy got into a long, boring explanation (ZZZZZ..), George Takei got on a separate line and I didn't understand what he was saying but he did sign off with Takei out motherfucker!

MICHAEL OREN: OK, I didn't pay attention to him either. Guy, it was a long day!

JON/STEPHEN: Stephen finally mentions Papa Bear is coming to his show and he is filled with glee!!

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