Friday, September 28, 2007


KING TUT: was not black, he was gold.

DAMN, NAILED!: At a recent debate, Tim Russert asked Hilary what she thought of an unknowns comment about how to handle torture. She disagreed with what this person said, and then Russert dropped the bomb-the statement was made by Bill Clinton! After regaining her composure, Hilary said she would discuss the matter at home. I think Clintons talk about torture as foreplay. What else would turn them on to each other.

THE WORD IS...EARLY IMMUNIZATION: why can't anyone give free health care to children!

WHO WEARING...STEPHEN'S WRISTRONG BRACELET?!: Why Neil Cavuto, Adrian Grenier (aka Vincent Chase-he's Aquaman!), Seth Rogen, and Bill Clinton touched it!

DAVID SCHWARTZ: I finally got to see the infamous "Daisy" ad. I don't know what to think of it. Plus, Adalai Stevenson had his own Obama girl.

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