Now, let's reminisce....
7:00-I WANT CNN'S MAGIC BOARD! Gonna stick to one station (CNN and its board) Did I mention I love CNN's board!
8:15-In my home state: Hey, Mitch McConnell pulled it off!
8:22-Dear news, why are you projecting that Obama will be the winner in Michigan if he is behind in the returns right now?! Remember 2000?
8:34-CNN projects Ohio goes to...Obama!
8:35-Look at all those people in Grant Park
8:45-According to CNN, youth voters and the economy helped Obama win Ohio. Turing over to Fox News-they're depressed
8:50-OK, why is CNN have Obama at 199-78 electoral votes, but Fox News and MSNBC have Obama 200-90?
9:00-Now to the best mother$#%#%@&^% news team on the planet-THE DAILY SHOW and THE COLBERT REPORT!!!!!! TOGETHER AT LAST!!!!!
9:01-Stephen brings the juice!!-The Final Endgame Go Time Alpha Action Lift-Off Decide-Icidal Hungry Man's Extreme Raw Power Ultimate Voteslam Smackdown '08 No Mercy: Judgment Day '08 ...'08!
9:02-Jon strikes back!! A dude is on fire but he doesn't forget to vote!! OMG, it was Dick Gephardt!!
9:03-Awwww!!! Stephen has red cards while Jon has blue!
9:05-Stephen is about to cry and he believe Ohio may have conspired with Cuba! Look at their respective flags.
9:06-Roscoe the cockatoo is sad Obama's winning too.
9:07-South Carolina is the bonus state: electoral votes tripled!!!
9:08-(CNN) Republican strategist admits the party failed
9:10-Comedy Central called my home state to...McCain. Bit of trivia: McCain called Louisville Slugger-he's made of 10% cork!
9:12-Correspondent Jason Jones is at Obama headquarters-Bambi Town
9:14-Rob Riggle reports on unprecedented voter turnout-he does his patriotic duty by tackling people so they cannot vote. Sounds like a McCain supporter.
9:16-The Daily Show is unbleeped when John Oliver says the next president will inherit a "giant shitburger."
9:17-Dear Santa: Please give me a CNN magic board for Christmas
9:22-Who is this guy on Jon and Stephen are interviewing?
9:23-Oh, it's Steve Forbes! I remember him losing the nomination in '96. He ran in 2000, too?
9:25-I like the idea of a Bull Moose party.
9:28-(MSNBC) Bishop T.D. Jakes can't believe this is happening in his lifetime
9:30-Stephen's live blogging!!!!!! Yes, I will read you!!! I'm off to Twitter!!! Stephen is in the second stage-anger.
9:32-Louisiana goes to McCain and Obama show us his boobs! The TDS team went out to the polls to if the "Bradley effect" is in swing. It's not.
9:33-There needs to be another Oliver-Wilmore segment.
9:36-Fox News is REALLY sad right now
9:39-Samantha Bee is at McCain headquarters-fifth circle of hell
9:41-Aasif Mandvi is at Al-Queda headquarters. They're not too happy with Obama.
9:43-Fox News projects Obama will win Virginia.
9:46-Will racism be over if (who am I kidding?) when Obama wins? Whoa! The Obama's former law professor Charles Ogletree thought they were conservatives!!! Funny that Ogletree thought that Michelle would go into higher office and Barack would make a great mayor!
9:49-Larry Wilmore is taking over The Daily Show?!!! Tyler Perry's House of Daily Show with Larry Wilmore?! Wyatt Cenac taking over The Colbert Report?!! Cenac Attack!!!
9:53-Comedy Central says Obama has won Virginia! Stephen's anger continues
9:57-The Republicans need someone to blame-Hockey Dads!
9:58-Stephen's denial has returned
10:00-We finally have a... Hawaiian president.
Jon Stewart has the pleasure of announcing our newest president....BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:03-The news team is suffering from campaign withdrawal! Stephen has blocked himself off from the rest of the world!
10:05-They're off to freedom!! It's so beautiful...and Bush is still president for two more months
10:19-Back to CNN where McCain concedes
11:00-Obama makes powerful speech, his kids get a puppy, and I'm off to bed!
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